Treatment of high blood pressure - Together with your doctor you look at your lifestyle and examine whether there are other risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease.
For example, smoking, previous cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes (diabetes mellitus), stress and high cholesterol. Your doctor can estimate how big your risk is and what you can do to reduce your risk.
Sometimes a change of lifestyle is sufficient; often also decreases thereby the blood pressure. In other cases, other drugs are also required (for blood pressure, sugar or cholesterol) to decrease. Your risk of heart disease
Advice for high blood pressure - By following the following lifestyle advice can help you reduce your risk of heart disease.
Quitting smoking is the most important. Smoking is very harmful to your heart and vessels.
Ken Burge Program For The Treatment Of High Blood Pressure
Get plenty of exercise and relaxation through a half hour to move, such as brisk walking, cycling, gardening, stair climbing or swimming. Least five days per week intensive
Eat healthy and varied. Eat more fruits and vegetables, potatoes and cereals.
Choose lean meat and dairy products, chicken, fish or meat substitutes.
Eat low in saturated fats. Instead, choose unsaturated fats such as oily fish, vegetable oil and margarine diet.
Do not add salt to the food and use as little as possible ready-made products, snacks and crisps (chips) because a lot of salt in it.
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