Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Blood Pressure, Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

What is high blood pressure? Called high blood pressure disease, the silent killer, may have blood pressure high at anyone he does not feel so often. Blood pressure is measured by determining the amount of blood that the heart pumping and the amount of blood flow in the arteries.

Blood pressure in the body throughout the day as normal. Has also varies imperceptibly with each heartbeat. Blood pressure arises while doing any activity and decrease in the quiescent state of the body.

Whenever the heart to pump the amount of blood is greater the narrowed arteries and higher blood pressure in the body.

What are its symptoms? Often do not show any symptoms or signs warning of high pressure and there are people, who believe that the headaches, bleeding nose or nausea are beginning signs of high blood pressure,

In fact, these symptoms may occur when some of the people in the onset of the disease with pain in the back of the head, but it does not happen, headache, nausea or bleeding nose, but in the case of the arrival of the blood pressure to a high level

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In this case, the patient's life in danger.

Causes of high blood pressure: It is not always easy to identify the causes of high blood pressure in some people, and if it was caused by unknown, is called hypertension fundamental or elementary.

As if the cause is known been called higher secondary any that there is a reason that the occurrence of the rise, such as:

- Some types of drugs, including birth control pills, drugs that are used in the treatment of colds, decongestants, pain reliever and some other drugs.

- Kidney disease.

- Diseases gland adrenaline.

- Thyroid disease.

- Faulty blood vessels.

- Symptoms of ore-eclampsia (which occur in the last three months of pregnancy).

Factors causing high blood pressure: There are 4 risk factors may cause high blood pressure, and difficult to control: - Age: increase the chances of developing high blood pressure whenever progress Age. - Breed: high blood pressure spreads between races brown color and more color than white.

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