Friday, 13 June 2014

Fruits & Vegetables For High Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious disease that era may also lead to injury of heart disease and strokes. The excessive intake of potassium or salt a major cause of high blood pressure; therefore advised doctors need to reduce salt hypertensive patients as well as eating many types of fruits and vegetables that help to reduce the level of high blood pressure, and most important:

1) Plum fruit delicious taste, which is characterized by a large proportion of the element potassium, is necessary to maintain the level of blood pressure and heart function at a normal level, as it prevents blood clots in blood vessels.

Add to this that the plum contains a small percentage of sodium, which is responsible for high blood pressure.

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2) Watermelon is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, two elements, which makes it ideal to treat high blood pressure.

It contains substance watermelon carotenoids that help prevent hardening of the arteries narrow and the veins, which reduces the likelihood of the lack of flow of the blood pressure.

3) Banana fruits rich in potassium and containing at the same time a small percentage of sodium. The fruit of medium banana contains 422 milligrams of potassium in exchange for just one milligram of sodium.

It has proven a scientific study published in 1999 that eating of bananas a day helps to reduce the level of high blood pressure.

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