Thursday, 19 June 2014

Normal Blood Pressure Has A Lot Of Advantages

A BMI above 25 means that a person is overweight, the higher the BMI number, the greater the overweight; BMI result above 30, there is obesity. Losing weight is the motto, to reduce.

Risk of high blood pressure and so-called "diseases of affluence" A BMI calculation can be performed. Anywhere on the Web For example, include the Nutrition Centre and the Heart Foundation a BMI calculator.

More Advantages In Normal Blood Pressure

Your BMI calculation can also be performed at the following website: calculate BMI. The unique thing about this website is that you will immediately receive an interpretation of your results of the BMI test. So you see how much you need to lose weight to get. Healthy Body Mass Index

Normal blood pressure has a lot of advantages. What exactly is a normal blood pressure and how can you achieve this? What is a normal blood pressure?

Doctors may decide to measure, for example, an examination or surgery your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is 120/80, we speak of a normal blood pressure.

Elderly is higher blood pressure also allowed. When measuring your blood pressure, we check for the contraction of the heart, but also relaxing the heart. Too low or too high blood pressure can have dangerous consequences for your health.

Why is a normal blood pressure important? High blood pressure can be dangerous for your heart. You can also develop atherosclerosis.

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